A Pictoral People Blog of the trip
A selection of my people shots from the trip – enjoy This slideshow is a few of my favourite images of people in South East Asia taken during this trip, focusing on people we stumbled upon.
A selection of my people shots from the trip – enjoy This slideshow is a few of my favourite images of people in South East Asia taken during this trip, focusing on people we stumbled upon.
The Final Journey – Home I left you last time as we touched down in Hong Kong for our last leg of the trip. This one would be easy for us to navigate as we had had a nice introduction to HK at the beginning of the Asia trip, so we knew what we were […]
Food Food Food The trip has been as much about tasting new things as it has seeing new things. So I felt it only appropriate to include in my final blog of the trip the food and drink special. Its been a real treat, but there are a few stars amongst them: Rijtafel – A […]
I liked Bangkok quite a bit Apologies for my somewhat melancholy maudlin mood in the last post, I am back now upbeat after 36 hours in Bangkok. This is definitely not a city on which to waste time staring at ones own navel, there is just too much fun to be had. So where the […]
Denpasar You Did OK Right – nothing much to report about the airport on departure more stampy stampy from the officials then through not one but two security checks and then off we go airside to view the duty free, not much of excitement to tell you other than it was the usual collection of […]